The Real Story

MPC Timeline

Mearthane Products Corporation (USA) has been first-to-market with polyurethane breakthroughs that have set industry standards in a range of applications since 1965. Take a look at the MPC wheels timeline…

MPC Speed

Sure, the development started long beforehand, but the origin of the modern MPC speed wheel first gained attention when it hit the track in L’Aquila, Italy on September 4, 2004…

MPC Technology

MPC technology really is just that, our own. We possess Patents and have active Patent applications for the very engineering innovations that make MPC speed wheels the performance leaders…

MPC Today

As wheels become larger, speeds ever-higher and technical advantages increasingly critical, MPC speed wheels lead the way in speed skating performance. Not only because we are working with teams, athletes, chemists and scientists every day…

MPC Speed News

  • Storm Surge rules World Cup Incheon
  • MPC wheels win first major European races
  • X-Tech and CadoMotus share expertise
  • MPC wheels for 2010


  • How to mix wheels for added performance
  • How to skate in the rain

World Speed Skating News

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